House of Peoples’ Representatives approved the establishment of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, an impartial and independent organ of the Federal Government with its own legal personality has been hereby established by this Proclamation The Commission shall be accountable to the House of Peoples’ Representatives. “National Dialogue” means consultation of different bodies facilitated by the Council of Commissions at the Federal and Regional level on the Agendas identify in accordance with this Proclamation and the Directives to be issued by the Council of Commissions.


Under the Proclamation No.1265/2021  objective of the commission is to Facilitate consultation between the various segments of the society by identifying the root causes of the difference on fundamental national issues and identifying the topics on which the discussion will take place.

Duties & Responsibilities

Establish Committees & teams of experts that will facilitate & implement dialogues, conduct studies & generate recommendations; It shall study national dialogue processes that had been carried out by governmental or non-governmental entities & their outcomes,

Guiding principles

Inclusivity, transparency, credibility, tolerance and mutual respect, rationality, implementation and context  sensitivity, impartial facilitator, depth and relevance of Agendas,  democracy and rule of law, national interest, using national traditional knowledge and values.


29th of Dec 2021
HOPR approved

House of Peoples Representatives of FDRE approved the establishment of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission.

Public nominees
632 nominees

632 nominees to the Commission made public

42 candidates

shortlisted 42 candidates made public


11 candidates selected to commission the national dialogue

Members of the National Dialogue commission

The Commissioner

H.E Proffessor Mesfin Araya

Mesfin Araya currently works at the Department of Psychiatry, Addis Ababa University. Mesfin does research in Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics and Conflict Resolution. Their current project is ‘Quality of life after post conflict displacement in Ethiopia: Comparing placement in a community setting with that in shelters. Decentralized psychiatric nursing service in Ethiopia-A model for low income countries.’.

Updates from The commission
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